2019 and a year of moving forward…

by | Jan 17, 2019

2019 has arrived, and with it, our first full year without Kelsey.  There are so many things I want to tell her.  And then I remember…

I thought that would get better as time goes on.  What I’ve really learned is that I’ll always have things to tell her.  And that’s ok. Things I have learned this last year on our journey:

  1.  Despite what you think, broken hearts don’t mend, But they do grow.
  2.  Sometimes, tears just come.
  3.  Superhero’s come in all shapes and sizes.
  4.  Strength comes even in pain.
  5.  The beach is still our happy place.
  6.  Together is better.
  7.  We have a strong family.
  8.  Creating a viable mission makes a difference, not just in our lives but in the lives of others.
  9.  Building a foundation of compassion changes my view of the world.
  10.  Love grows, even from memories. It’s watered by our tears.
  11.  People want to be part of something bigger than they are.
  12.  We have an amazing village.  Some of the village changes.  Some of the village was only meant to be there for a while, some will be there forever.
  13.  When it is all finished, you will discover that it was never random.

So as we embark on this new year, we are a little older, hopefully wiser, stronger in our faith and open to where God takes us.  We will laugh a little louder, hug a lot tighter, make more room at our table and open our hearts.  We will cry.  We will continue to share and we will be doing more things in Haiti.  So stay tuned and thanks for your support.