
We had a Superhero’s Auction and Dinner in Pasco this past weekend. It reminded me of the saying, “if you build it, they will come”. And come they did! We were overwhelmed with the sold out event! Family, friends, friends of friends, new friends and beloved old friends. We laughed a lot, got into some minor rivalry over bidding, told stories, broke bread, shared so many moments from huge rocks to dessert dashing (and maybe a little trading!), a few tears, so many hugs and in the end we made over $16,000 towards building the house in Haiti! People went home with smiles on their faces, their stomachs and hands full (some of their cars too!) We did something great here this weekend and we felt you with us. It’s because of you, the person you were, the people you inspired. You have made us all better because we loved you. You have led us here by your example. WWKD makes me want to do more, love more, see people as you saw them. As the amazing creations we all are. So, w.e’re almost there for the house. We will make it. Our first project is going to be “The House That Love Built”. Jeremy, Annabelle and Maddy picked a family. It seems appropriate that they are involved with their church, he is a music minister and they have four children-two a set of 3 year old twins! You would have loved meeting them and we will tell them about you. We’re just paying it forward Kels…like you.