WWKD Annual Newsletter – 2019
A Year in Review – 2019
This past year has been one of growth and learning for the WWKD Foundation. As we begin to embark on 2020, we want to take a moment to reflect on 2019!
This year has been about developing relationships in so many ways. These partnerships have helped us to share the mission of WWKD in order help more people in Haiti. One of these relationships found us joining with The Farmer’s Daughter to offer cookie classes as a fundraiser. This has been a successful venture and one that allows us the chance to work with Paula Purtteman and her husband Ken. We are looking forward to additional classes in 2020! We continue to partner with New Creations by Jen (Jennifer and Rob Christianson) for WWKD merchandise and fundraising options. Additionally, we have established an amazing network of committee’s that worked hard to ensure WWKD events are successful.

Sharing the WWKD Story
“I love seeing our Kelsey’s name plastered everywhere!” Jeremy Foss
WWKD has stayed visible in other events. Two teams participated in the Wonder Woman 5k in both Tempe, AZ (March) and Redmond, WA (October). The team in Tempe purchased WWKD shirts and wore them for the event, sharing Kelsey’s story with others! WWKD is always looking for ways to share the work we are doing in Kelsey’s memory and love to see the support from people all over the United States.

Haiti Home Build
Summer found the WWKD team completing its first project to build a home for a family in Pillatré, Haiti. In partnership with Welcome Home Haiti, we were able to build a brick home for a single mother and family of 8! The team worked hard in the summer heat but loved every minute! The relationships built during this time dramatically changed lives.

Not only did the team complete the first house, but was fortunate enough to be in the right place, at the right time, to learn of a second family who were literally living under an 8×8 plastic tarp.
Through the information supplied by the team and with the help of donations from all our supporters, WWKD was able to facilitate a stick house (wooden) being build for this small family.
Your donations directly affected two families giving them shelter and stability in Haiti. These events were life changing for these two families and directly support the mission of WWKD.

2nd Annual WWKD Fundraising Dinner & Auction
This year’s auction was held at Station House 726 in Puyallup, WA with over 120 people in attendance! We celebrated with a Hawaiian Luau and well over 100 donated items to the live and silent auction.
It was a night of fellowship, laughter, love and remembrance. People came from the Tri-Cities, Arizona and around the Pacific Northwest.
Generous donors helped us to meet the $30,000 goal and our fantastic team of 25 volunteers assured an enjoyable night by all!

Our 2020 goal of drilling at least one well in Haiti will be realized in the first quarter.
The Board of Directors will review additional projects for 2020 to determine where the Foundation can meet the most need.

Matching Gift Program
The Foundation has worked to implement matching fund programs with several large companies and encourage you to check and see if your place of employment offers this program. Many people make regular donations and with the funds being matched by their companies, we are able to double the donations every month!
Feel free to contact any of the board members if you would like more information on this opportunity.
Upcoming Events for 2020
A few events have already been planned for 2020, please take a minute to check them out. Also, be sure to check out the website for any new events to be scheduled.
Save The Date
The 3rd Annual WWKD Fundraising Auction and Dinner will be held on October 3, 2020 in Puyallup, WA. The event will be held again at Station House 726. Stay tuned for more information about ticket sales!
WWKD Board of Directors
We want to take a moment to thank Brett Yancey for his service as the Vice-President on the WWKD Board. After serving in this capacity for approximately 2 years, he will be stepping down from this assignment. Brett plans to stay engaged in the WWKD Auction and where possible.
We will truly miss the diversity and passion he brought to the group, and are grateful or all he has done to help get the Foundation up and running!
The Board of Directors will begin the search for filling this position.
Lisa Shaffer – President
TBA – Vice President
Ashley Harvey – Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
Kim Rodgers – Secretary & Development Committee Chair
Sarah Wood – External Relations Committee Chair